
«Para resumir mi experiencia, comenzaré por definir el curso de formación “IncEd: Inclusive Education” como un espacio de encuentro e intercambio de experiencias y perspectivas educativas alrededor del concepto de inclusión. Maestras y líderes juveniles pasamos cinco días redescubriendo la inclusión educativa a través de múltiples dinámicas y actividades.

Al trabajar el concepto de inclusión, fuimos acercándonos también al concepto de diversidad. Considero que apreciar y valorar la diversidad, es un paso previo e indispensable para llegar a la inclusión. Y, a esta combinación de diversidad-inclusión, debemos añadir el concepto de empatía: ponerse en el lugar del otro, puede ayudarnos a conocerlo mejor, valorar sus fortalezas, entender sus necesidades e incluirlo en el grupo y en la sociedad.

Pusimos sobre la mesa las diferentes dificultades a las que nos enfrentamos en las escuelas cuando trabajamos con grupos con habilidades diferentes, así como los retos de la educación inclusiva. Muchas veces, la inclusión educativa suena a utopía. Sin embargo, tras el debate y la reflexión durante el curso, tenemos ejemplos reales de prácticas y escuelas inclusivas. Fue especialmente enriquecedor el intercambio de experiencias personales y profesionales del grupo. Poder escuchar a otras profesionales del campo de la educación, compartir sus recursos, sus métodos, materiales, etc.

Si tuviera que definir con una palabra el curso, elegiría inspiración. Las personas que allí estaban, eran personas que demostraban pasión y amor por la educación, por hacer de su aula, su escuela, su comunidad, un lugar mejor, en la que cada uno encontrase su espacio y pudiese desarrollarse plenamente. Me llevo la maleta llena de ideas y, sobre todo, de ilusión.

La organización contaba con una planificación flexible, adaptada a las particularidades del grupo, que iba redefiniendo según los progresos y curiosidades de las participantes a lo largo de las sesiones. Podemos decir que, no solo fue un curso sobre inclusión, si no que fue inclusivo en sí mismo.»


«To summarize my experience, I will start by defining the “IncEd: Inclusive Education” training course as a space for meeting and exchanging experiences and educational perspectives around the concept of inclusion. Teachers and youth leaders spent five days rediscovering educational inclusion through multiple dynamics and activities.

By working on the concept of inclusion, we were also approaching the concept of diversity. I believe that appreciating and valuing diversity is a previous and essential step to reach inclusion. And, to this combination of diversity-inclusion, we must add the concept of empathy: putting yourself in the place of the other can help us to know him better, value his strengths, understand his needs and include him in the group and in society.

We put on the table the different difficulties that we face in schools when we work with groups with different abilities, as well as the challenges of inclusive education. Many times, educational inclusion sounds like a utopia. However, after the debate and reflection during the course, we have real examples of inclusive practices and schools. The exchange of personal and professional experiences of the group was especially enriching: Being able of listening to other professionals in the field of education, sharing their resources, their methods, materials, etc.

If I had to define the course with one word, I would choose inspiration. The people who were there were people who showed passion and love for education, for making their classroom, their school, their community, a better place, in which each one found their space and could fully develop. I take the suitcase full of ideas and, above all, of illusion.

The organization had a flexible plan, adapted to the particularities of the group, which was redefined according to the progress and curiosities of the participants throughout the sessions. We can say that it was not only a course on inclusion, but that it was inclusive in itself.»

Candela Alonso


«Mi primera experiencia en un proyecto Erasmus+ ha resultado ser muy gratificante tanto desde una perspectiva docente como a nivel personal.

En el proceso de enseñanza es determinante tener en cuenta un aspecto tan fundamental como la metodología de trabajo, más si cabe cuando se trata de alumnado con necesidades educativas como es mi caso particular. De ahí la importancia de fomentar la motivación para alcanzar un aprendizaje significativo y funcional. Durante este curso se nos ha ofrecido la oportunidad de conocer, experimentar e intercambiar muchas de estas estrategias para aplicar durante las sesiones educativas.

Este curso de formación sobre Educación Inclusiva ha sido una herramienta genial para conectar con la educación emocional, la sensibilidad y la empatía a la hora de desarrollar el proceso educativo. El hecho de tener la oportunidad de intercambiar perspectivas y establecer vínculos con docentes de diferentes países y diversas metodologías de trabajo ha resultado, sin duda, lo más enriquecedor de esta aventura.»


«My first experience in an Erasmus+ project has turned out to be very rewarding, both from a teaching perspective and on a personal level.

In the teaching-learning process, it is crucial to take into account such a fundamental aspect as the work methodology, even more so when it comes to students with educational needs, as is my particular case. Hence, the importance of promoting motivation to achieve meaningful and functional learning. During this course we have been offered the opportunity to meet, experience and exchange many of these strategies to apply during our educational sessions.

This training course on Inclusive Education has been a great tool to connect with emotional education, sensitivity, and empathy when developing the educational process. The fact of having the opportunity to exchange perspectives and establish links with teachers from different countries and from different work methodologies has been, without a doubt, the most enriching part of this adventure.»

Sandra González


«I had never before participated in an Erasmus+ programme, and I have to admit that I had a great time there in Tallin. The program was about inclusion for students with disabilities and different needs.

Since the beginning, I felt very comfortable with the group, because my mates were very respectful and kind all the time. From my side, it is essential to create a good environment in order to assure that everybody feels good.

When you are a student, sometimes you don’t like the way you are taught, but in this situation it was engaging and funny. We had the opportunity to discuss and share our previous experiences about inclusion in our countries. We also participated in different activities that today I can use with my students.

The teachers were amazing, and they made this experience very remarkable. The way they treated us, the way they taught us, the way they listened to us… It was incredible. They even invited us to know their school, and we had dinner in the city centre.

To sum up, I recommend this experience to all the people that work with children and enjoy sharing and discussing.»

María Rodríguez