The training course was organized by the Foundation of European Initiatives in Silesia in partnership with other EU organizations that support entrepreneurship among young people. The project took place in the polish mountains, in September of 2017. During the project, young European from 8 different countries, have learnt how to run a business in social cooperative form and how to respond by that to a variety of social problems. They have learnt how to fundraise, work in a team and know benefits of multiculturalism at work. All activities were conducted by non-formal education method and with support of variety of IT tolls (blended education method). http://www.feis.org.pl/co-op


The course was originally developed as a tool to help participants from the ERASMUS+ training course. During the project, the online course was enriched by the work of all participants and established as an open education source for everyone. Now, its main objective is to promote form of social cooperative among youth from European countries. Moreover, it includes more than just information about social cooperative legal form in a few European countries. It is build in a motivational and non-formal way, thanks to that it provides various different components, such as: soft skills learning, q&a, information about IT tools in education and lots of information about EU Programs.

Link to the e-course:



 GLOSSARY: https://padlet.com/fundacja_feis/glossary

 FANPAGE: https://www.facebook.com/co.op.erasmusplus/



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